Objects of Society


To help the students as per the description given below:-

    1. To help the needy, poor and meritorious students of Graduate, Post- Graduate, Medical and Engineering Courses in India.
    2. The help should go to those students not helped by any government agency or private organisation.
    3. This help is in the form of a cash award not more than Rs. 20,000/ - (Rupees twenty thousand only) per academic year, till he / she completes the course. It is renewed only if the progress is satisfactory every academic year.
    4. The said financial assistance is given to carefully selected candidates by the selection committee and recommended to the governing body. Both the above bodies are expected to enquire thoroughly on the financial need of the family before finalisation of the list of candidates every year.
    5. These students are from the poor families, and preference being given to the applicants from the rural areas. They should be exceptionally brilliant and selected directly to the courses in the universities or government and aided colleges.
    6. The application from the students who paid heavy capitation fees for the admission should not be considered.
    7. Prescribed application form can be obtained from the Registered Head Office, either in person or by post (by sending self addressed envelope).
    8. Filled- in application form shall be submitted before October / November, each year, and selected candidates will be intimated before the end of December.
    9. The student recipient is strongly requested to repay back after completing the studies and gainfully employed, to help the growth of the Trust.